Creditor’s Rights

All services to collect debt for original creditors as well as debt buyers, including foreclosure, credit card lawsuits, automobile contract and lease lawsuits, unpaid promissory notes and unpaid medical and dental bills.


It is an unfortunate reality for many companies, but the fact remains that debt collection efforts comprise an increasingly larger proportion of their annual business expenses owing to the increased number of customers and businesses defaulting on their financial obligations. Here at Bablo Law, we deal with clients every day who are exploring their creditor’s rights, as their accounts receivables remain unpaid. If you find yourself in a similar situation, we can help you with legal solutions to help satisfy those outstanding accounts that are owed for your goods or services.

How It Works

At Bablo Law, we bring a wealth of skill, experience, and legal knowledge to guarantee that we will aggressively enforce your creditor’s rights, so whether you hold a secured or non-secured debt, you have enforceable rights even in the face of the debtor filing for bankruptcy protection. Contact us today so we can help assert your legal creditor’s rights.

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